
Check ups

At the regular check ups, babies, infants, children and youths are being examined via standardized methods if the overall development is according to age.


The goal is, to detect early need of support and to start supporting actions in time.


Download Parental language assessment for U7 :  HERE



Vaccinations intend to protect babies, children and youths and later on also adults against severe diseases.


My detailed and differenciated advice should help you to make the right decision, as to when and against which diseases your child should get vaccinated.


  • General pediatric service
  • home visits
  • breastfeeding and supplementary diet advice
  • supporting care for premature babies
  • supporting care of severely ill children f.e. with intensive homecare,  home ventilator therapy, feeding tube, palliative care...
  • Pulsoxymetry (noninvasive measurement of blood oxygen content)
  • Emergency lab:  Strep-fast-test,Covid-fast-test, Influenza/RSV-fast-test, CrP-fast-test, urine-check, blood sugar, blood coagulation (INR/Quick)
  • Lab: all further Lab is sent to a special Lab daily incl Covid-PCR
  • Ultrasound (Abdomen, head, hip screen)
  • Visiontest: Plusoptix fast screen